Step #1
I have little WILL Power...
So I find cleaning out the unhealthy and processed food helps me stay on task!It really help if your family can jump on board but if not you will have to stay accountable yourself. If you cheat you are only cheating yourself...
Step #2
go shopping
Here is where some get really overwhelmed....the grocery store!
Don't sweat it....just follow these few rules and you will do just FINE!
1.) Go in having a plan!
Planning out your meals doesn't take too long...I find that having a family of 7 to feed, it makes things a bit easier. Plan out your 3 main meals and your 2 or 3 snacks a day. (morning, afternoon and night snack)
2.)Stick with LIST!!
Don't wander off and just start putting things in your cart. Stay with your list you have. This will save you money and also save you from buying and eating something you really don't need.
♥There is a difference between needing something and wanting something♥
I NEED fruit vs. I WANT a candy bar
you can figure it out....
3.)You know where most everything you need to eat clean is in almost every grocery store???
If you stay in the outer parameter of the store you will find pretty much everything you need to eat clean. Think about this...when you walk down the isles what do you see..boxes upon boxes of proceed foods. Now...go back and think about what you see on the outer part of the stores. That is where you find fruits, veggies, lean meats and eggs.
4.) Eat BEFORE you go shopping!
We have ALL done this....not eat before shopping and by the time you get there you are starving and buy anything and everything. So make sure you eat a little snack and drink a big glass of water before going. In fact, I find if I bring my water bottle in with me and I find myself looking at those M&M's, I drink some water and the urge passes.
It is so important for you to stop and read the labels. It may say it is All Natural but in reality it is not. Here are some example of items that are clean eating.
See how there are only 2 ingredients in this go look at the PB in your you see a difference??
Love this tea...and all it is is chamomile flowers. Do you have Lipton tea in your pantry...go check out the ingredients.
See a difference??
Step #3
Soak & Prepping
Weather you buy organic or not, it is always a good idea to soak your fruit and veggies.
This will do two things...
#1 Cleaning produce with vinegar helps kill bacteria to ensure your fruits and veggies are safe for consumption. It will also get rid of the wax that are on them as well and come out squeaky clean and shiny!
#2 It will make your items last longer and not spoil as fast.
out Jo-Anna Rosser page for great tips!!
She is a ACE Certified
Personal Trainer
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